Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We Need You

Visit.....become a member.....like on FB
People often ask me, or at least in my wildest delusionionary states they do, "How can we help the QCC Art Gallery?"

Well, as it turns out, there are a number of ways:

First, and foremost, visit. Visit often and bring friends, colleagues, unwitting strangers,.....whoever. Because the mission of the QCC AG is to contribute to the cultural vitality of our surrounding community.

Second, become a member. Different levels of membership are available with perks rising in proportion to generosity. But whether you dive into the low end or the deep end of the pool, every dollar helps the QCC AG produce more of the marvels to which we have become accustomed.

Third, like them on FB and encourage others to do so. Every "like" enhances their ability to inform you and others of what is in the pipeline at the QCC AG.