Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Director Has The Right Stuff

Marc Mellon, Tom Wolfe and Faustino Quintanilla
Located in Gramercy Park, NYC, the National Arts Club has a mission to stimulate, foster and promote public interest in the arts while educating the American people in the fine arts.

To that end, the National Arts Club often hosts events for artistic luminaries to meet and interact. Our very own QCC Art Gallery's Director, Faustino Quintanilla, attended such a function recently.

At left, you see the Director with Marc Mellon, who is one of America's foremost representational sculptors, well known for his portrait busts, commemorative statues, and other works in bronze.

And flanked on either side by Mr. Mellon and Director Quintanilla is famed author Tom Wolfe, who is probably best known for his best-selling works, The Bonfire of the Vanities and The Right Stuff, as well as his influential book of art criticism, The Painted Word.