Friday, November 11, 2016

Cambre's Vacuus Bacchus

If you are like me, ever since his publication of Black Box, you've been waiting for the next compendium of photos from our talented friend and colleague Javier Cambre. Well, wait no longer.

Javier has just published a second volume of the startling, sensual and surreal photos for which he is best known. His latest is entitled Vacuus Bacchus, and it is populated with many dark, figure studies with striking and dynamic poses, often evoking the erotic, without altogether abandoning classical composition and form.

And as if that was not enough, a sinuous, poetic text accompanies the photos, compliments of another QCC-CUNY colleague, artist Annemarie Coffey, who was co-curator of the Art & Design Exhibit at the QCC Art Gallery in Spring 2015.

So, buy a copy of  Vacuus Bacchus today, and dare to venture forth with Javier as your guide through the prism of his mind's eye.