Believe it or not, that is a question one hears even from those who have made it as far as the QCC campus. Well, assuming you've gotten that far, I'll direct your attention to the photo at left.
As shown here from the main square on campus, simply ascend the stairs between the Library and Administration buildings. At the top of the hill, near the flagpole shown in the distance, you will find the QCC Art Gallery.
One of the most vital ways for a teacher to enrich their pedagogy is to link classroom acquired knowledge to culture at-large. And how better to do so than through a visit to the QCC Art Gallery.
For those interested, many instructors from varied disciplines have creatively engaged the resources at the QCC Art Gallery, and some were generous enough to sit down for a brief testimonial discussing their experience. If you'd like to view some of these testimonials, click here.
For qualified students, the QCC Art Gallery always has several openings for volunteers and interns. To find out more: visit the Art Gallery, ascend the stairs to the second floor and inquire about details in the office, shown below in the distance.
Whether you're interested in gaining experience or just in making a few bucks in pleasant surroundings, it's worth inquiring.
The QCC Art Gallery often surprises first-time visitors, initially by the quality of the exhibits it displays but next by it's attractive and commodious expanses, as seen below:
Experience it for yourself. It's open every day but Monday.
LULAC's mission is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population at the New York area.
Don't think for a minute that the QCC Art Gallery skrimps when it comes to modern art.
Indeed, not long ago, the Gallery presented works by the quintessential, avant-garde modernist, Andy Warhol.
The exhibit consisted of many graphic works, some familiar and some less so, that gave visitors a nice overview of the scope and significance of Warhol's work for modern art in the 20th century.