Friday, May 1, 2015

Renoir by Beerman

A detail from Miriam Beerman's Renoir
A stunning work by former QCC instructor Miriam Beerman now graces the second floor gallery at the QCC Art Gallery. Upon entering, one need only ascend the stairs to view this large, dramatic piece.

As this blog's loyal readership will know, Miriam has exhibited work at the QCC AG in the past, but her current subject especially intrigues and engages the viewer, as it depicts the famous impressionist Auguste Renoir in his dotage.

The reader may be aware that in 1887 Renoir cemented his place in Art History when he completed a series of studies of nude female figures known as The Bathers, whose depictions of feminine grace are unsurpassed in modern painting.

During the last 20 years of his life Renoir was crippled by arthritis, but he remained dedicated to beauty and its depiction until the end, continuing to paint by using a brush strapped to his arm.